




办公地址:亚洲娱乐城 J2-N304






2022.06-至今,山东科技大学,亚洲娱乐城 ,学术教授

2019.5-2022.05华侨大学,亚洲娱乐城 讲师





主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、省部级青年和面上项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金联合基金项目1项。已发表SCI一区论文12篇,其余论文8篇。构建了无掺杂、Ti掺杂、Ti/PtMo/SnTi/GeTi/F等双掺杂α-Fe2O3基材料,利用酸处理、有机层或空穴传输层包覆以及多层助剂修饰等手段协同增效,使光电流密度大幅提升。其中酸处理对异位Ti掺杂α-Fe2O3的作用机制、Mo掺杂在低偏压的性能优势、AlOOH空穴传输层的应用、助催化剂中低价NiPEC过程的影响机制、PEC胡椒醇氧化制备胡椒醛等研究均为首次报道,相关工作发表于Advanced Functional MaterialsChemical Engineering JournalChinese Journal of CatalysisJournal of CatalysisJournal of Colloid and Interface Science等主流TOP期刊


1) 2024.01-2026.123D打印构建复合光学结构α-Fe2O3光阳极及高效光电催化分解水研究,30万元,项目负责人

2) 2024.01-2026.12Fe2O3助催化剂活性中心和电子结构理性调控及作用机制研究,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,15万元,项目负责人

3) 2022.01-2024.12,光学增强效应对α-Fe2O3阳极光电催化水分解反应性能的影响机制研究,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,5万元,项目负责人

4) 2022.06-2027.5“菁英计划”A类人才引进项目,40万,项目负责人

5) 2022.01-2025.12,仿生NiFe@ZSM-5接力催化废弃木本油脂耦合热裂解及产物调控机制研究,国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,260万元,项目核心成员


1. Chunxiao Li, Jingran Xiao*, Xin Jia, Qifeng Zhao, Borui Du, Bo Wang*, Unveiling the Influence of Lower-valence Ni in Hydroxide Co-catalyst and Attaining Efficient Photoanodes with FeOOH Holes Transfer Layer for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 2406999 (SCI一区TOP, IF=18.5).

2. Chunxiao Li, Jingran Xiao*, Haixia Zhang, Xin Jia, Tong Xu, Zhiying Liu, Qifeng Zhao, Bo Wang*, Successive performance enhancement on a Ge-Ti codoped α-Fe2O3 with AlOOH modification photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 476, 146779 (SCI一区, IF=13.3)

3. Jingran Xiao*, Feigang Zhao, Jun Zhong, Zhongliang Huang, Longlong Fan, Lingling Peng, Shu-Feng Zhou*, Guowu Zhan*, Performance enhancement of hematite photoanode with oxygen defects for water splitting, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 402, 126163 (SCI一区, IF=13.3)

4. Jingran Xiao*, Longlong Fan, Zhongliang Huang, Jun Zhong, Feigang Zhao, Kaiji Xu, Shu-Feng Zhou, Guowu Zhan*, Functional principle of the synergistic effect of co-loaded Co-Pi and FeOOH on Fe2O3 photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water oxidation, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 41 (11), 1761-1771 (SCI一区, IF=15.7).

5. Jingran Xiao*, Chunxiao Li, Xin Jia, Borui Du, Ruichi Li, Bo Wang*, Enabling high low-bias performance of Fe2O3 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 633, 555-565 (SCI一区, IF=9.4).

6. Xinxin Lu, Jingran Xiao*, Lingling Peng, Liwen Zhang, Guowu Zhan*, Enhancement in the photoelectrochemical performance of BiVO4 photoanode with high (040) facet exposure, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 628, 726-735 (SCI一区, IF=9.4).

7. Ziqi Zhong, Guowu Zhan*, Borui Du, Xinxin Lu, Zihang Qin, Jingran Xiao*, Design of Ti-Pt Co-doped α-Fe2O3 photoanodes for enhanced performance of photoelectrochemical water splitting, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 641, 91–104 (SCI一区, IF=9.4).

8. Jingran Xiao*, Xin Jia, Borui Du, Ziqi Zhong, Chunxiao Li, Jialin Sun, Zunya Nie, Xuekai Zhang, Bo Wang*, Balancing charge recombination and hole transfer rates in hematite photoanodes by modulating the Co2+/Fe3+ sites in the OER cocatalyst, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 654, 915-924 (SCI一区, IF=9.4).

9. Jingran Xiao, Huali Huang, Qiuyang Huang, Xiang Li, Xuelan Hou, Le Zhao, Rui Ma, Hong Chen, Yongdan Li*, Remarkable improvement of the turn-on characteristics of a Fe2O3 photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting with coating a FeCoW oxy-hydroxide gel. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 212 (2017) 89 (SCI一区, IF=20.2).

10. Jingran Xiao*, Longlong Fan, Feigang Zhao, Zhongliang Huang, Shu-Feng Zhou, Guowu Zhan*, Kinetic analysis of the synergistic effect of NaBH4 treatment and Co-Pi coating on Fe2O3 photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water oxidation, Journal of Catalysis 381 (2020) 139 (SCI一区, IF=6.5).

11. Jingran Xiao, Xuelan Hou, Le Zhao, Yongdan Li*, A carbon-quantum-dot-sensitized ZnO:Ga/ZnO multijunction composite photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting under visible light irradiation. Journal of Catalysis 346 (2017) 70 (SCI一区, IF=6.5).

12. Jingran Xiao, Huali Huang, Qiuyang Huang, Le Zhao, Xiang Li, Xuelan Hou, Hong Chen, Yongdan Li*, Suppressing the electron-hole recombination rate in hematite photoanode with a rapid cooling treatment. Journal of Catalysis 350 (2017) 48 (SCI一区, IF=6.5).




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